Kaua'i Vacation - Spring 2000
Ham Radio Mobile

Ham12vdetail.jpg (56438 bytes) HamMobileRig.jpg (49179 bytes) HamMobileonPoipuCoast.jpg (59622 bytes) W6IT/KH6 parked near Lawai Beach in front of the birthplace of Prince Kuhio.  This location is on the south shore of Kauai near the resort area of Poipu.
Here's the 12 v connection to the rent-a-car battery. Yaesu FT-847 in mobile The Yaesu ATAS-100 mobile autotune antenna worked great!
KukuiulaBaytoPoipu.jpg (92807 bytes) Here is the view I had during my QSO with Mike WD6E.  Mike was 59 from his QTH in Aptos, California. KukuiulaBaytoSpoutingHorn.jpg (65716 bytes) During the QSO, I was parked just left of the van in this picture.  Spouting Horn is visible across the bay.
From the south shore of Kauai at the Kukuiula Bay small boat harbor.

Many more picture are on the following pages:

Alakai Swamp Trail Hike (4/25/00)
Kilauea (Elua Kai Estate)
Moloaa Hike (4/28/00)
Iliiliula Hike (4/30/00)

Kauai 2000 Vacation Home page

last update:  05/09/00

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