last updated:
Sunday, December 23, 2007 06:52:27 AM
The higher the power,
the better the burn!®

scheduling Pages:
And, some others...

MS Software Sources
- OH5IY Homepage
- his MS-Soft program predicts rates,
directions, plots paths, etc. Fantastic.
- 9A4GL Homepage - his
MS-DSP program runs RX&TX from
your soundcard and permits slowing down yet retaining a reasonable tone for HSCW contacts. If you can't get to Tihomir Heidelberg's site
here it is: WinMSDSP 2000
- N1BUG and VE5UF's Manual for
MSDSP. Thanks.
- Sound file editing shareware from the good guys at: Syntrillium. Used by many in the HSMS
community as a "visual ping stretcher". (or the tried and true Cool96
- WSJT from Joe,
K1JT. A more automated HSMS as well as
LTI program;
it is developing a real following!.

Rein Smit's
(W6/PA0ZN ) MS and HSMS
page, and his homepage.
Rein maintains the HSMS Homepage linked by this graphic... |


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December, 2007 AMT ARC

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